About me
Bennett Levitan, MD-PhD is Senior Director, Global R&D Epidemiology at Janssen R&D. He introduced state of the art patient-focused benefit-risk (B-R) assessment to Janssen and his team has led numerous clinical teams in B-R assessments and patient preference studies. He co-led development of the PhRMA BRAT Framework, the MDIC Patient-Centered B-R Framework, the IMI PREFER public-private partnership and ISPOR's Quantitative B-R Task Force. He serves on committees that inform B-R policy including MDIC's Science of Patient Input Project, the Brighton Collaboration BRAVATO Team and PhRMA's Patient-Focused Drug Development Work Group. He received a B.Sc. (Electrical Eng) from Columbia Univ and an M.D.-Ph.D. (Bioengineering) from the Univ of PA.